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The bulletin content deadline for St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church is Friday at Noon, the week before publication. In other words, 9 days before the Sunday when you would like for your announcement to appear. Holidays such as Easter and Christmas can cause deadlines to be substantially earlier.
If you would like to place an ad in our church bulletin, please contact Liturgical Publications, Inc., our bulletin publisher, at 1-800-950-9952.
Have an event coming up that our parishioners might be interested in? Please use the form below to send in your content. Please format your request so that the most important information is first. Like this:
Title of Event
Day, Date, Time // Location
Content of message// who to contact for more info
We can't promise that every submission will be included in our bulletin and each request is evaluated individually. Events at St. John's take precedence over events at neighboring churches/parishes. We reserve the right to edit your content. We may contact you if we need more information. Thanks again and have a blessed day!