Knights of Columbus Friday Lenten Fish Fry - Mar. 7 - Apr. 11

Fridays during Lent, 5:00pm-7:00pm.  Dine-in service is preferred, but we also offer drive-up/take-out service for your convenience.

The Knights of Columbus invite you to enjoy  the best fish in town! 

Menu and Prices*

All meals include coleslaw, dinner roll, and your choice of rice or French fries.

  • 1 fish meal: $10

  • 2 fish meal: $14

  • 1 fish + 3 shrimp meal: $15

  • 6 shrimp meal: $16

  • Mac & Cheese and Desserts are the same as last year at $2.00 per serving.

  • All shrimp will be deep fried.  Fish fillets can be ordered either deep fried or baked.

Drive-up traffic flow

Evening at the Evangelist - Mar. 26

Evening at the Evangelist is a family-friendly time of prayer and fellowship at our parish.  Join us for Adoration in the church, time for confession, and a celebration of our parish community with a free dinner.



· 4:30pm Adoration and Confessions start in the church

· 5:00pm FREE Dinner starts in Bread of Life Hall

· 7:00pm  Adoration and Confessions end

·  7:30pm Dinner ends


Lenten Parish Retreat - March 15

Saturday, March 15, 8:30am-2:30pm

Prepare for the Triduum by delving into the pivotal moments that led to our salvation. Join Jennifer Laurent of Catholic Biblical School for reflections on the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and the Resurrection through the eyes of Pope Benedict XVI in his brilliant work, Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week. By setting aside time for the Lord during this Lenten season, you will gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s words and deeds during the three days that changed everything.

No cost to attend.  Mass starts at 8:30am, light breakfast and lunch served.  Confession starts at 2:00pm. 

Lenten Lectio Divina - starts March 5

Meets on Wednesdays during Lent from March 5 - April 16.  There will be a morning session at 10:00am and an evening session at 6:30pm.  Same info at both sessions.  We will be praying Lectio Divina with the Sunday readings and preparing for Sunday Mass.  Lectio Divina means “divine reading” and is a way of becoming immersed in the Scriptures through reading, meditation, contemplation, and prayer.


Valentine Card Party - Feb. 12

The Council of Catholic Women will hold their annual Valentine Card Party on Wednesday, Feb. 12th this year from noon till 4:00pm. We will meet in the Bread of Life Hall. Open to all men and women and open to the public. We will supply cards for many games including Hand and Foot, Bridge or pinochle. You may bring your own cards or board game. For your $5.00 donation you will have an afternoon of cards, dessert and coffee and a chance for a door prize. For more information or to sign up for your group call Roberta at 970-667-3802. Tickets may be purchased ahead of time or at the door but call now to reserve your table. Thank you for supporting Council of Catholic Women!


Blue Christmas - Dec. 20

Friday,  December 20th, 6:30 pm, Church upper foyer

For many people this season is hard.  Maybe we are grieving the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship or job, or are suffering other emotions and heartaches.

Hosted by Stephen Ministry, a Blue Christmas service allows us to acknowledge our sorrow and pain, hurts and losses at this time of the year, and also seeks to help us acknowledge and feel God’s presence and coming for us,  to help us find hope in his love.

Starts at 6:30pm in the upper foyer. Stephen Ministers will be available to meet with, talk to, and pray with.

Transportation can be provided if needed - please call the parish office at 970-635-5800.

Father/Daughter Dance - Dec. 14

Saturday, December 14th, 6:00-9:00pm, Bread of Life Hall
Doors open at 5:30pm with dinner at 6pm followed by a night of dancing and sweet treats.  Cost: $20 per family, all ages welcome!  Tickets available at SJE school office or church office starting November 25th or in the church foyer following masses on December 7th and 8th. Deadline to purchase tickets Dec. 11.  Contact Gretchen Stinner 309-533-1881 with questions.

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Dec. 12


Our Lady of Guadalupe


The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the USA, but it is in Mexico.  All are welcome to join in celebrating Our Lady!


Jueves, 12 de diciembre / Thursday, December 12th


4:30am – Rosario (Rosary)

5:00am – Mañanitas

8:30am - Mass in English

4:30pm - Rosario (Rosary)

5:00pm – Danza (Dancing)

6:30pm – Misa en Español

(Spanish Mass)

7:00pm – Cena (Dinner/Reception)


Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Dec. 9

Holy Day of Obligation

Monday, Dec. 9
No Confessions
8:30am English
12:10pm English
6:00pm English
8:00pm Spanish

The Vatican clarified in a letter to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), that the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is still a holy day of obligation even though it has been transferred from the December 8 (which falls on a Sunday) to December 9 (Monday) this year.

Advent Parish Retreat - Dec. 7

Saturday, December 7, 8:30am - 2:00pm.  Explore the Theological Virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Catechism 1813:  The theological virtues are the foundation of Christian moral activity; they animate it and give it its special character. They inform and give life to all the moral virtues.

There will be 2 separate retreats, one in English and one in Spanish. Starts with Mass at 8:30am.  Light breakfast and lunch provided.   No cost to attend.

Presenters in English will be:

  • Derek Barr - from Catholic Biblical School

  • Deacon Derrick Johnson

  • Deacon Dennis Wallisch

Presenter in Spanish will be:

  • Fr. Jaime Valdez-Vargas


Evening at the Evangelist - Dec. 4

Wednesday, December 4, 4:30-7:30pm, St. John’s

Evening at the Evangelist is a family-friendly time of prayer and fellowship at our parish.  Join us this Advent season for Adoration in the church, confession, and a celebration of our parish community.


· 4:30pm-7:00pm Adoration in the church

· 4:30pm Rosary in English

· 6:00pm Rosary in Spanish

· 4:30pm-7:00pm  Confessions

· 5:00pm-7:30pm Dinner.  The dinner is FREE, courtesy of the parish.  Donations are appreciated.

· Kids activity.  During dinner there will be ornaments for kids to color to decorate a Jesse Tree.  The tree will be in the Bread of Life Hall for the Advent season.


Adoration in the church on Election Day - Nov. 5

“All things work for good for those who love God.”
- Romans 8:28 

You’re invited to spend time in prayer and Adoration in our church on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5, following the 8:30am Mass until 6:00pm.  Offer up your prayers, concerns, and gratitude, in the presence of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Leave with an SJE “I prayed” sticker. Thank you for your prayers!


Schedule for Adoration on Election Day


Starting at 9:15am and every hour after, we will have a song, prayer, or reading, followed by sacred silence.


8:30am - Mass in English

9:15a.m. - Exposition of Our Lord

· Morning Offering Prayer

· Followed by Sacred Silence

10:15a.m. – Spoken Rosary

· Sorrowful Mysteries – Led by Morning Rosary Group

· Followed by Sacred Silence

11:15a.m. – Song and Litany of Peace

· Song – The Body of Christ/Sarah Hart BB#326

· Litany of Peace

· Followed by Sacred Silence

12:15p.m. – Contemplative Rosary/Bob Hurd (Sung Rosary)

· Glorious Mysteries.

· Followed by Sacred Silence

2:15p.m. – Sung Prayers - 

· Prayer of St. Francis BB #535

· For the Healing of the Nations BB #743

· Followed by Sacred Silence

3:15p.m. – Song and Prayer –

· O Sacrament Most Holy BB #346

· Followed by Sacred Silence

· Divine Mercy Chaplet

4:15p.m. – Prayers -

· Liturgy of the Hours

· Followed by Sacred Silence

5:15p.m. – Spoken Rosary in Spanish

· Luminous Mysteries – led by Spanish Legion of Mary

· Followed by Sacred Silence

6:00p.m. – Benediction

6:30p.m. – Mass in Spanish