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All you need to do is register. Click here to start the registration process.
Not Catholic?
Catholicism is a beautiful faith; rich in history, tradition, and theology. We are excited that you are considering joining the Catholic Church! There are many beliefs and practices unique to Catholicism that are based on a deep understanding of God. Contact us to get started!
more than just sunday!
There are lots of ways to grow your faith and connect with others in our parish community! Start by attending Mass regularly. Sign-up for flocknote, our weekly email newsletter. Come to church events. Make friends. Study the Scriptures. Pray a lot!
We don't just want you to go through the motions on Sunday, but to always be a living testament to the transforming power of Jesus Christ. Check out our current Ministries, and discover if there's a place for you to share your time and talents.
turn your life over to god!
Get involved and do Christ's work in the world! Whether your preference is in prayer, or mission, or keeping the parish moving, you'll find a deeper connection with God and others as your faith and understanding grows.