We are excited to announce that Totus Tuus will be back again this year! Please mark your calendars to participate in our summer youth catechetical program. The cost will be just $40 per child for the week. Contact Deacon August for info and to register - 970.635.5818 or cordoau@saintjohns.net
Knights Blood Drive - June 19
Saturday, June 19, St. John's parking lot
The Knights of Columbus are pleased to welcome the UCHealth blood mobile back to St. John's! Your blood donation helps local hospitals offer life-saving care. Be a hero to your neighborhood - give blood!
Memorial Day Service - May 31
Monday, May 31, 2021
The Knights of Columbus will return to our annual observance of Memorial Day this year. Please attend Mass with us on Monday at 8:30am, followed by a short service at the Veterans’ Shrine. The best access to the area is through the alley to the east of the Shrine.
John Stapleton to be ordained a priest - May 15
Deacon John Stapleton will be ordained a priest on Saturday, May 15th. It will be live-streamed from the cathedral for anyone that wants to watch.
His will celebrate his first Mass on Sunday, May 16th at 9 am at St. John’s with a reception to follow in St. John’s Hall.
Sunday Mass obligation to be restored on Pentecost - May 23
The Bishops of Colorado have announced that the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days will be restored on Pentecost Sunday – May 23, 2021 – and all Catholics who are healthy and without significant risk factors or other serious reasons should resume normal Mass attendance in the coming weeks.
Catholics are encouraged to use the Easter season to prayerfully contemplate why they are called to Mass every week, and if necessary, educate themselves on the Church’s teachings on the obligation, including acceptable reasons to still stay home.
Parishes will continue to take prudent steps to ensure public Masses are celebrated in a safe manner.
Does this mean every Catholic is obligated to go to Mass?
No. Long before this pandemic, the Church has always recognized that there are “serious” or “grave” reasons that prevent Catholics from attending Mass.
For example, if a person is sick or homebound, or living/visiting areas of the world where access to the Mass is limited, or a situation arises that prevents travel (snowstorm or flat tire), such persons would not be bound by the obligation.
In the case of this pandemic, serious or grave reasons would include:
· Anyone who is sick, symptomatic, or has been recently exposed to the coronavirus. Protecting the health of others is an act of Christian charity and our moral duty to one another.
· Anyone with significant health risk factors that requires them to avoid public spaces, or if you care for someone with significant risk factors.
· Anyone who cannot attend Mass through no fault of their own, for example, if a parish has reached capacity.
For more information, a statement from the bishops and an FAQ is available on the Archdiocese website – archden.org/return
Build Blessing Bags for the Homeless - Donate May 15-16
Together Colorado is a faith based committee working on homelessness in Loveland and Northern Colorado and includes several denominations of churches. We are collecting the following items for “Blessings Bags” to be distributed to the homeless in Loveland in June. Drop box for items will be in the foyer, Sat/Sun, May 15-16. At the end of May volunteers will be putting the bags together. If you would like to volunteer to assemble bags or want information contact Debbie DeDecker 970.663.2013.
Items needed: Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, combs or small hairbrushes, hand sanitizer, sunblock, bug repellent, chap stick, wet ones, bar soap, shampoo, healthy bars (Cliff, Kind, Quaker etc.)
Thank you!
Knights of Columbus Bingo Returns May 2
Knights of Columbus Bingo & Raffle will resume on Sunday May 2nd. The estimated progressive bingo jackpot will be $6,300 if won in 58 numbers or less. We will be operating under the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions of County Health.
As of the weekend of May 22-23, 2021 - sign-ups are no longer required.
Doors open at Noon on Sundays. Bingo starts at 2:00pm.
Council of Catholic Women Spring Bake Sale - May 1 & 2
St. John's Council of Catholic Women (CCW) will be holding their Annual Spring bale sale this year on the Weekend of May 1 and 2 before and after all Masses, in the foyer of the church. Baked goods may be delivered after 1:00 on Sat., May 1st. All our proceeds go to charitable donations around St. John's and our community. For better selection and to avoid the rush plan to shop on your way into Mass. We would be more than happy to hold your purchases till after Mass when you can pick them up and go. Thank you for all your support in this worthy fundraiser.
St. Vincent de Paul Society informational meeting - April 29
Thursday, April 29, 7:00pm in St. John’s Hall
Have you considered growing in holiness by serving the poor? The Society of St. Vincent de Paul helps our local neighbors in need with short-term assistance with rent, utilities, and food. We meet with people in our community who are experiencing difficulties in life, determine their needs and whether we can help, and we share Christ’s love with them. We are primarily funded through your gifts in the Poor Boxes. If you want to learn more or feel God calling you to serve others through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, please come to the informational meeting, or contact saintjohns.svdp@gmail.com.
Saturday Healing Mass starts May 1st
Beginning May 1, the 1st Saturday in May, St. John’s will start once again to offer 1st Saturday Mass at 8:30 am. This Mass is especially provided for parishioners whose health is compromised in some way and may be reluctant to come to Mass in person. This would especially include any who are suffering acute or chronic illnesses that have compromised their immune systems, any who battle cancer or other terminal disease, people who have received an organ transplant and take medication to suppress the immune system, any recovering from surgery and elderly folks who feel at risk.
It is important to remember this Mass is for people with serious physical illnesses who seek a healing blessing from God through the sacrament of anointing of the sick. We want to provide a safe environment where they can come to worship and receive this sacrament with others of the church gathered around them.
If you are otherwise healthy and seeking the sacrament of anointing of the sick, the sacrament is provided to all who ask. Simply ask the priest before or after any Mass and he will give you the anointing, this would be especially important if you are preparing for an operation or a hospital stay.
St. John's Gala - April 17
This year’s gala will be a virtual gala. Join us online for an evening of gratitude, community, and inspiration starting at 7:00pm. Silent and live auctions. Click the link below to learn more and connect!
Knights Easter Egg Hunt - April 10
The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 10th - the Saturday AFTER Easter. This year for safety and social distancing reasons the Easter Egg hunt will be a Easter Egg Race. Each child will be in a lane with spaced 6 feet apart and will need to pick up each egg in their lane, first child to finish will win a special prize. Children will be spaced out to increase social distancing and masks will be required for all in attendance. Registration will start at 9:00AM and will continue all day. Please do not show up for registration until 15 – 20 minutes before your Family’s youngest child’s age slot. Time Slots:
0-3 Years – 9:30AM
4 & 5 Years – 10:00 AM
6 & 7 Years – 10:30 AM
8 & 9 Years – 11:00 AM
10 & 11 Years – 11:30 AM
12+ Years – Noon
If you have any question please contact Kevin Stinner at 970-617-2530.
Holy Week and Easter Schedule
Palm Sunday, March 28
Regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule
Holy Thursday, April 1
No confessions
7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, in church and streaming
Good Friday, April 2
No confessions
3:00pm Veneration of the Cross (English), in church and streaming
7:00pm Veneration of the Cross (Spanish), in church
Holy Saturday, April 3
No confessions
10:00am Blessing of Easter Food in parking lot
8:00pm Easter Vigil (bilingual), in church and streaming
Easter Sunday, April 4
7:00am Mass, in church
9:00am Mass, in church, gym, parking lot, and streaming
11:00am Mass, in church and gym
1:00pm Mass (Spanish)
Knights of Columbus Friday Lenten Fish Fry
From 5:00-7:00pm on Fridays during Lent starting February 19th.
Options: Drive Up or Sign-up Dine In*
For Drive Up we recommend you enter from 12th St. For Dine In we recommend you enter from “West Entrance” (Tyler Ave) & park in south parking area.
Dine in seating will be limited to approx. 60 people. This is based on 30 tables being set up for two (2) people per table. Parties of up to eight (8) people, from one household, can occupy one 8 foot table. It is preferred that customers use Sign up Genius to reserve seats for one of two seating’s to ensure a reservation. First seating is from 5:00 PM to 6:00 and second seating from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. If you prefer to call the parish office, the staff can make your reservation for you. Walk in customers are welcome, depending on seating availability. There is not a buffet line. You are not issued numbers for preference in being served. Orders for food and drinks will be taken at your table and delivered to your table by waiters. Click here to sign-up for dine-in >>
1 ea fried fish filet $6:00 Dine In $7:00
2 ea fried fish filets $9.00 Dine In $10.00
Dinners Include:
Choice of Rice or Fry’s
Coleslaw, Dinner Roll
Condiments available upon request
(Dine In includes drink)
Kid’s meal: Macaroni and cheese $2.00
Desert: Two chocolate chip or sticker duel cookies $1.00
Stations of the Cross Fridays during Lent, Feb. 19 - Mar 26
Fridays during Lent at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary, starting February 19
Bilingual in English and Spanish
The Stations of the Cross are a 14-step Catholic devotion that commemorates Jesus Christ's last day on Earth as a man. The 14 devotions, or stations, focus on specific events of His last day, beginning with His condemnation. The stations are commonly used as a mini pilgrimage as the individual moves from station to station. At each station, the individual recalls and meditates on a specific event from Christ's last day. Specific prayers are recited, then the individual moves to the next station until all 14 are complete. —from Catholic.org
Ash Wednesday - February 17, 2021
Ash Wednesday will be a bit different this year. Due to Covid precautions, the Vatican is asking priests to distribute ashes by sprinkling them on top of each person’s head, rather than making the sign of the cross on their foreheads.
Ash Wednesday at home: On the weekend of Feb. 13-14, individual packets of ashes will be available in the foyer. You may take them along with a liturgy handout to celebrate an Ash Wednesday devotion at home.
Ash Wednesday Schedule
No confessions
6:30am Liturgy of the Word & Ash Distribution
8:30am Mass
12:10pm Liturgy of the Word & Ash Distribution
6:00pm Mass
8:00pm Mass in Spanish
Derrick Johnson Diaconate Capstone Project Presentation - March 6
Saturday, March 6, 10am-Noon, St. John’s Hall
Derrick Johnson is a Candidate for the Permanent Diaconate from Saint John's and is in his final semester of formation. Part of the spiritual formation process is the completion of a spiritual Capstone project and the presentation of the project to the parish. Derrick has chosen to research and present his project on Periodic/Perpetual Continence in Marriage, and how to grow towards each other and God during these times. Because of the nature of the presentation, we ask that only adults or mature teenagers 17 and up attend (with parental permission). The talk will explore many Catholic methods and traditions to assist a couple going through what can be a very straining and challenging time in the marriage. The presentation may be especially beneficial to those in the marriage prep process. Please join Derrick on March 6th, 2021 from 10 am to 12 pm in Saint John's Hall to hear this presentation. If you cannot join us in person, this will also be available on the parish YouTube page. Signups will be available on Signup Genius, similar to Mass signups. Thank you, and please continue to pray for Derrick, his family and his classmates as they approach ordination this summer.
Parish prayer time at 6:00pm
We can’t gather together as a community right now, but prayer is a simple activity that you can do to engage in shared communion with your fellow parishioners, grow in your personal relationship with God, and strengthen our parish. Father Steve, the Parish Council, and Leadership Team are asking every parishioner to pray nightly at 6pm for joy, hope, communion, and our parish. Please pray 1 “Our Father,” 1 “Hail Mary,” and 1 “Glory Be.” An easy way to remember is to simply set an alarm on your phone for 6:00pm every day. Thank you for lifting up our parish in prayer!
Tiny Saints February Fundraiser supports SJE Youth Ministry
From February 1-28, 2021, you can support SJE Youth Groups with your Tiny Saint purchases. All you need to do is select St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish - Loveland, Colorado from the dropdown menu at www.tinysaints.com. With that, 25% of your order will be donated to our youth programs. Thank you!