The Chosen Season 4 - Starts April 5

UPDATE: We recently learned that Episodes 5-8 will not be released to be shown at churches. We can only show Episodes 1-4. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but please join us for the first 4 episodes. Thank you!



7:00 - 9:00pm

Bread of Life Hall

  • April 5:  Episode 1

  • April 12:  Episode 2

  • April 19: No showing, SJE Gala prep in Bread of Life Hall.

  • April 26:  Episode 3

  • May 3:  Episode 4

  • May 10: Canceled

  • May 17:  Canceled

  • May 24:  Canceled

  • May 31:  Canceled

 Water, lemonade, and popcorn will be available.  Guests are also welcome to bring their own food and drinks.  Seating limited.  There will be NO babysitting offered.  Enter through the North doors by the Bread of Life Hall. 

Where to Watch Seasons 1-3

In order to understand what is happening in Season 4, it is highly recommended that you watch Seasons 1-3 ahead of time. Please visit the links below to view the first 3 seasons.

Holy Week and Easter Mass Times - Mar. 24-31

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday
March 24

Regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule

March 28

No Confessions.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa  6:30pm (bilingual)
followed by Adoration in Bread of Life Hall until 10pm


March 29

No morning Mass or Confessions.
Veneration of the Cross - English  3:00pm
Veneracion de la Cruz - Español  7:00pm


March 30

No 4:00pm Mass or Confessions.
Easter Vigil / Vigila Pascua  8:00pm-11:00pm (bilingual)


March 31

English Mass  7:00am, 9:00am*, 11:00am*

Misa en Español  1:00pm

*Mass in church and Bread of Life Hall

Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - Feb. 16 - Mar. 22

Fridays during Lent, 5:00pm-7:00pm.  Drive-up or dine-in service.

The Knights of Columbus invite you to enjoy  the best fish in town! 

Menu and Prices*

All meals include coleslaw, dinner roll, and your choice of rice or French fries.

1 fillet meal = $ 10.00,  2 fillet meal = $15.00

Shrimp meal includes 6 jumbo shrimp = $15.00

Shrimp and fish meal includes 3 jumbo shrimp & 1 Fillet = $15.00

Extra fish= $5.00, Extra shrimp = $2.00

All shrimp will be deep fried.  Fish fillets can be ordered either deep fried or baked.

Mac & Cheese and desserts are the same as last year at $2.00 per serving.


Fish Fry Drive-up Traffic Flow

*Menu and prices subject to change with little or no notice.

Lenten Book Study - starts Feb. 21

Lenten Book Study - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Starts Feb. 21, 10am and 6:30pm., for 4 weeks.  Same info at both morning and evening session.  Inspiring and informative, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist is a groundbreaking work that is sure to illuminate one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith: the mystery of Jesus’ presence in “the breaking of the bread.”  Books available for purchase in parish office for $10.  We will discuss 2 chapters each week.  Please read in advance.

Council of Catholic Women Valentine Card Party - Feb. 7

The Council of Catholic Women will be holding their annual St. Valentine Card Party this year on Feb. 7, 2024 from noon till 4:00 pm. in the Bread of Life Hall. We have many card games available for your enjoyment or you may bring your own game. Bring your own group or join others. Your $5.00 donation will get you a fun afternoon, dessert and coffee and a chance to make new friends. We will have door prizes that you may be able to take home with you. To reserve a table for your friends, purchase tickets or get more information call Roberta at 970-667-3802

Catholic School Open House - Jan. 28

Catholic Schools Week Open House

Come see all that our Catholic school has to offer!  Sunday, January 28, after all Masses.  Whether you're exploring Catholic education for your family or if it's just been a while since you visited our school, you're invited to our open house to start Catholic Schools Week.  There will be door prizes, face painting, snacks, drinks, and more!  Thank you for supporting Catholic education at St. John's for over 65 years!

Knights of Columbus Blood Drive - Jan. 20

The Knights will be hosting a UCHealth Blood Drive in St. John’s parking lot on Saturday, January 20.  Your participation helps local hospitals provide life-saving care. Be a hero to your neighborhood, give blood!

Appointments are strongly encouraged. Walk-in's welcome.

To make an appointment: Garth Englund Blood Center is using a new sign up system - HemaCollect (not Sign-up Genius, and it is separate from the UCHealth app).  To sign in, it will ask you to create an account.  It requires a legal name as it appears on your ID.  Leave the “Donor ID” section blank. Select the time you wish to donate.

Blue Christmas - Dec. 21

Thursday,  December 21st, 7:30 pm

For many people this season is hard. Maybe we are grieving the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship or job, or are suffering other emotions and heartaches.

Hosted by Stephen Ministry, a Blue Christmas service allows us to acknowledge our sorrow and pain,  hurts and losses at this time of the year, and also  seeks to help us acknowledge and feel God’s presence and coming for us,  to help us find hope in his love.

Starts at 7:30 in the upper foyer.  There is mass at 6:30 if you would like to attend that also.  Stephen Ministers will be available to meet, talk , and pray with you.

Transportation can be provided if needed - please call the parish office at 970-635-5800.

White Mass Honoring Health Care Professionals - Oct. 21


Celebrating Catholic Health Care Professionals.

Saturday, October 21, 2023, 4 P.M. Mass, St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church.  Organized by the Northern Colorado Catholic Medical Association, Fr. Steven Voss Guild.  The Annual White Mass is scheduled near the Feast of St. Luke (Patron Saint of Physicians and Surgeons) and is called a “White Mass” because of the white coats traditionally worn by doctors. Health care professionals are invited to wear their white coats.  Dinner to follow in the K of C Hall which will include entertainment/speaker.  Requested donation $10.00/person.