Volunteer Appreciation Mass and Ice Cream Social - Aug. 2

Friday, August 2, 6:30pm Mass.  Thank you to our amazing volunteers!  Whether you are an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, sing in the choir, an RE catechist, a Knight of Columbus, a school volunteer, leading a prayer group, serving in a ministry, tending a parish garden, donating food or preparing funeral receptions, or serve in any number of other ways, you’re invited to join us for a Volunteer Appreciation Mass followed by an ice cream social.  Thank you!

Silver Rose Pilgrimage - July 22

Monday, July 22, 9am-5pm, at St. John's 
Each year, Silver Roses are stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Come and see the silver rose and offer your prayers.  Thank you to our local Knights of Columbus for bringing the pilgrimage to St. John's!


Altar Flooring Replacement - June 22-July 7

Weekend Masses will move to school gym, daily Masses to Bread of Life Hall

From 2020-2021 our parish engaged in a major building project, including renovation of the Sanctuary and the addition of our offices and parish hall.  The flooring that was installed on the altar is warping and splitting in several places.  It will be replaced this summer.  This change is being paid for by the contractor and not by your offertory.   Flooring work is scheduled for June 22 – July 7.  During that time, weekend Masses will be held in the school gym and daily Masses will be held in the Bread of Life Hall.  Weekday Confessions will be heard in the Guadalupe Room or the Nursing Moms Room in the hall outside the Sanctuary.  Weekend Confessions will be heard in a room in the school (tbd).  Thank you for your patience during this time.

Parish Office and Gift Shop will be closed on weekends during flooring replacement.  The office will have regular office hours on weekdays.  The gift shop can be accessed during the week by visiting the parish office.

No Knights of Columbus Sunday Breakfast during altar flooring replacement.

Totus Tuus - Summer Youth Program - June 2-7

June 2—7. 

Totus Tuus is Latin for “Totally Yours,” and was the papal motto for St. John Paul II.  The day session is for kids entering 1st –6th grade.  Evening session is for kids entering 7th-12th grade.  Totus Tuus combines faith and prayer with classes, skits, games, and fun to help kids grow in faith. 

Registration forms available in the parish office or at the link below. Space is limited, so please register soon!


Totus Tuus —  programa catequético juvenil de verano.

Del 2 al 8 de junio. La sesión diurna es para niños que ingresan a 1.° a 6.° grado. La sesión nocturna es para niños que ingresan al grado 7.º al 12.º. Totus Tuus combina fe y oración con clases divertidas, parodias y juegos para ayudar a los niños a crecer en la fe. Inscripción en la oficina parroquial

o aqui

Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession - June 2

Sunday, June 2.  Starts at 2:15pm (after 1pm Mass).  Meet in the Sanctuary.  Then we will process around the block and back to the church, with Adoration along the way.

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi in Latin), celebrates the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.


“The procession with the Blessed Sacrament...reminds us that we are called to go out and bring  Jesus to others. To go out with enthusiasm, bringing Christ to those we meet in our daily lives.”

— Pope Francis, Homily on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, 6 June 2021


Study of Theological and Cardinal Virtues - Starts May 21

Study of Theological and Cardinal Virtues

New study meets weekly, for 10 weeks, on Tuesdays after morning Mass, starting May 21st in the lower parish office conference room.  Led by Roger Goelitz.  No cost to attend.  No sign-ups required.

Join any time.

The first 4 weeks will be based on Faith, Hope and Love: The Theological Virtues. by Fr. Andrew Pinsent.  What would we be like, male and female, if human nature could ever be brought to perfection? This book is an attempt to answer this and many other questions by examining the meaning of virtue following the coming of Christ.

The next 6 weeks will be discussion based on The Art of Living series on Formed.org.  In these episodes, viewers will learn what a virtue is, how to grow in them, and how our ability to love is dependent on our pursuit of the virtuous life.


Pray Contemplative Rosary - Month of May

During May, the month of Mary, we will have 4 opportunities to participate in a Contemplative Rosary.

  • Saturday, May 4th around 10:00a.m. – The Joyful Mysteries.

    • This will follow the Healing Mass which begins at 8:30a.m.

  • Tuesday, May 7th around 7:15p.m. – The Sorrowful Mysteries.

    • This will follow the bilingual Mass which begins at 6:30p.m.

  • Wednesday, May 15th around 9:30a.m. – The Glorious Mysteries.

    • This will follow the Morning Mass which begins at 8:30a.m.

    • This will precede the Book Club, which begins at 10:00a.m.

  • Thursday, May 23rd around 7:15p.m. – The Luminous Mysteries.

    • This will follow the Evening Mass which begins at 6:30p.m.

Pentecost Retreat - May 18

Saturday, May 18, 8:30am-2:00pm

Pentecost is a feast that celebrates the moment when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and gave them the gifts to live out the Great Commission - to go out and preach the Gospel to all nations.

Pentecost is 50 days after Easter and marks the end of the Easter season.

The retreat will focus on the meaning of Pentecost and how we live our vocation as followers of Christ.

Light breakfast and lunch served. No cost to attend.  There will be an English retreat and a Spanish retreat. 

Register by clicking the button below.

Jesus and Jewish Roots of Mary Book Study - Starts May 1

Meets on Wednesdays for 4 weeks, starting May 1, in Bread of Life Hall.  Morning session at 10:00am, evening at 6:30pm, same info at both sessions.  In Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary, Dr. Pitre takes readers step-by-step from the Garden of Eden to the Book of Revelation to reveal how deeply biblical Catholic beliefs about Mary really are. Dr. Pitre uses the Old Testament and Ancient Judaism to unlock how the Bible itself teaches that Mary is in fact the new Eve, the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and the new Ark of the Covenant.  Books $5 in parish office.

Free to attend. No sign-ups required. Come any time.


Movers for Moms Donation Drive - Apr 5 - May 8

Donations can be made at St. John’s from April 5 - May 8, 2024.

St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish is working with Two Men and A Truck Movers to collect donations for local women’s and family shelters before Mother’s Day.  Two Men and A Truck franchisees partner with local shelters, schools, and organizations across the country to collect goods that will make Mother’s Day special for moms who are living in shelters.

This year, Two Men and A Truck will pick-up and deliver the collected items to Alternatives to Violence around Sunday, May 8.  Items needed include:

 · Flip Flops

· Hand Sanitizer

· Cosmetic Items

· Floss, Toothpaste

· Conditioner

· Natural Hair Care Products

· Lotion

· Face/Body Wash

· Makeup Remover Wipes

· Notebooks

· Black/Blue Pens

· Laundry detergent

· Dish Soap

· Disinfectant spray

· Disinfectant wipes

· Paper towels

· Toilet paper

· Tissue boxes

· Small planners

· Trash bags

· Sticky notes

· Small notebooks

· Copy paper

· Office Supplies

· Cell phone chargers


 Thank you for your generosity!


The Chosen Season 4 - Starts April 5

UPDATE: We recently learned that Episodes 5-8 will not be released to be shown at churches. We can only show Episodes 1-4. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but please join us for the first 4 episodes. Thank you!



7:00 - 9:00pm

Bread of Life Hall

  • April 5:  Episode 1

  • April 12:  Episode 2

  • April 19: No showing, SJE Gala prep in Bread of Life Hall.

  • April 26:  Episode 3

  • May 3:  Episode 4

  • May 10: Canceled

  • May 17:  Canceled

  • May 24:  Canceled

  • May 31:  Canceled

 Water, lemonade, and popcorn will be available.  Guests are also welcome to bring their own food and drinks.  Seating limited.  There will be NO babysitting offered.  Enter through the North doors by the Bread of Life Hall. 

Where to Watch Seasons 1-3

In order to understand what is happening in Season 4, it is highly recommended that you watch Seasons 1-3 ahead of time. Please visit the links below to view the first 3 seasons.

Holy Week and Easter Mass Times - Mar. 24-31

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday
March 24

Regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule

March 28

No Confessions.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper/Misa  6:30pm (bilingual)
followed by Adoration in Bread of Life Hall until 10pm


March 29

No morning Mass or Confessions.
Veneration of the Cross - English  3:00pm
Veneracion de la Cruz - Español  7:00pm


March 30

No 4:00pm Mass or Confessions.
Easter Vigil / Vigila Pascua  8:00pm-11:00pm (bilingual)


March 31

English Mass  7:00am, 9:00am*, 11:00am*

Misa en Español  1:00pm

*Mass in church and Bread of Life Hall

Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - Feb. 16 - Mar. 22

Fridays during Lent, 5:00pm-7:00pm.  Drive-up or dine-in service.

The Knights of Columbus invite you to enjoy  the best fish in town! 

Menu and Prices*

All meals include coleslaw, dinner roll, and your choice of rice or French fries.

1 fillet meal = $ 10.00,  2 fillet meal = $15.00

Shrimp meal includes 6 jumbo shrimp = $15.00

Shrimp and fish meal includes 3 jumbo shrimp & 1 Fillet = $15.00

Extra fish= $5.00, Extra shrimp = $2.00

All shrimp will be deep fried.  Fish fillets can be ordered either deep fried or baked.

Mac & Cheese and desserts are the same as last year at $2.00 per serving.


Fish Fry Drive-up Traffic Flow

*Menu and prices subject to change with little or no notice.

Lenten Book Study - starts Feb. 21

Lenten Book Study - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

Starts Feb. 21, 10am and 6:30pm., for 4 weeks.  Same info at both morning and evening session.  Inspiring and informative, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist is a groundbreaking work that is sure to illuminate one of the greatest mysteries of the Christian faith: the mystery of Jesus’ presence in “the breaking of the bread.”  Books available for purchase in parish office for $10.  We will discuss 2 chapters each week.  Please read in advance.