Building Contractors Hired

Looking at Sanctuary 2.jpg

The Building Committee is excited to announce that 2 contractors have been hired for the upcoming construction. 

Fransen-Pittman brings a high level of experience to the project, having built hospitals, schools, and libraries, in addition to churches.  They will be responsible for building the new church hall and parish offices, as well as the renovations to the Sanctuary, foyer, and church basement.

Coe Construction is a respected leader in the industry with experience building apartments, hotels, offices, restaurants, and more.  Some of our parishioners are employed at Coe and their expertise has been very valuable in the campaign. They have been hired to build the new rectory.

Right now, we are on pace to start construction in May or June of 2020 and complete the project in February 2021. 

Thank you very much for your commitment to making St. John’s a welcoming and lasting home for Catholics in Loveland!