Adjustments to the Design

As construction planning has moved forward in the past few months, it became clear that a few adjustments needed to be made from the proposed plan due to building codes, budget, functionality, accessibility, and other factors.  Many changes won’t be noticeable (ie. the size of a sewer line, or moving a sink), but in an effort to be transparent about how your gifts are being stewarded, the biggest adjustments are highlighted here.


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Parish Hall.  There were many who expressed concern that the new hall would be bigger than our parish needs and it would block the view of Longs Peak from the Veterans Memorial.  The redesigned hall will preserve the history, location, and integrity of the Veterans Memorial.  The proposed hall would have had a max capacity of about 400 people.  The redesigned hall will have a max capacity of about 365 people.  Revised plans also include an outdoor patio area between the new church hall and Veterans Memorial, suitable for small receptions and gatherings.


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Church Foyer.  Instead of a grand staircase in the foyer entry, the revised plans call for the current stairway to remain in place.  The upper foyer will still be expanded to allow more room for fellowship.


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Parish Office.  The most significant redesign involves the Parish Office.  In the proposed design, the offices were 2 stories, with the lower level opening from the foyer.  In the redesign, the upper level and main office entry will be on the same level as the Sanctuary, and the lower level of the offices will be on the same level as the church basement.  The result of this redesign is a substantial savings in exterior work, materials, and not having to make changes to the current elevator.  The Parish Office will be easily accessible through the new North door.


· A room for nursing mothers was added next to the new restroom just outside the Sanctuary.

· In order to remain within budget, most of the proposed renovations in the church basement will be postponed until a future date.

· No plans have been finalized for the rectory, but there have been significant cuts made from the original wish list.

· In the Sanctuary, it was determined that money would be saved and the choir area would be more functional, by moving the choir to the South side of the Sanctuary, instead of the North side.