Your Spiritual Care is Important

St. John’s is committed to your spiritual care and healing during these challenging times. We will continue working to encourage you on your faith journey, and we are exploring the best options available under the unexpected circumstances.

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COVID Guidelines for attending Mass at st. john’s.

  • Please wear a mask in designated zones (above), and when entering, exiting, and going forward for communion.

  • Don't attend Mass if you're sick or believe you've been exposed to COVID-19.

  • Families from the same household (or those who have been quarantined together) may sit together as a group.

  • If seated in a distancing section, please keep your group at least 6 feet from others while at Mass.

Where to find the latest information from SJE

The coronavirus situation has been changing rapidly. Our website, flocknote, and facebook are where you will find the most recent information and we will always update our website first. Please consider subscribing to flocknote and liking us on facebook.

Flocknote: Click here to sign-up for flocknote >>

Facebook: Like us on facebook >>

Phone recording: Additionally, there is a phone line for parishioners who many not have an internet connection. Callers to (970) 635-5891 will hear a recording with the latest coronavirus-related information from St. John’s. If you know someone who would benefit from this, please let them know.

Please keep yourself and others safe! 

Although we encourage everyone to sanitize areas they used when visiting the church, the school, and/or the Adoration Chapel, it is impossible to guarantee a germ-free environment. Please take precautionary measures for own safety and the safety of others, including wearing a mask, respecting 6 foot social distancing, and cleaning your personal space.  Please stay home if you are sick or are considered to be in a high-risk category.   Thank you for your assistance and we are glad to have you back at church!

Your prayers make a difference


As a community of believers, we find refuge and strength in our Lord during times of trouble.

Please pray for our nation and the world.  Please pray for the healing of the sick and for our healthcare professionals.  Please pray for the elderly and those in hospitals and nursing homes. Please pray for all who are impacted by closures and disruptions to their daily lives, that they may seek comfort in the Lord.