Las Posadas - December 18

Saturday, December 18, 6:00pm at the Bread of Life Hall.

This is a Hispanic tradition, similar to a Christmas Pageant, featuring Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem and ending with the arrival of Jesus! Enjoy traditional songs, authentic Mexican food, piñatas, candy, and pray the Rosary with us. English and Spanish. Everyone welcome.

Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration - Dec. 11 & 12

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is not a Holy Day of Obligation in the U.S., but it is in Mexico.  Most of the celebrations at St. John’s will be in Spanish, but if you don’t speak Spanish, you may still enjoy the music, dancing, prayers, and socializing.  You’re invited to celebrate on Saturday, December 11th.  At 8:00pm there will be music and dancing, followed by the Holy Rosary at 8:45pm, then mañanitas (traditional music to honor Our Lady) and warm drinks around 9:30pm.

In the video below, Fr. Tony Caballero discusses the apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe - the evidence, history, and symbolism, and what the events mean for our world today.

SJE Catholic School "Double the Funds" Campaign

Please give during the month of November

For the second year in row, during November, Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School will be participating in a Double the Funds Campaign.

The generous benefactor has stepped-up for another year and offered to match donations up to $10,000.00.

This year comes with an extra incentive. If we raise as much money as last year, $35,282.00, the donor will donate an additional $5,000.00, bringing our potential fundraising to over $40,000.00.

Give now to make sure your donation and impact are doubled. You can give any time now through November 30th.

This link goes directly to the Double the Funds button, where anyone can donate without registering for Faith Direct.

If you have a Faith Direct account, you can log in to your account and then select the Double the Funds button at

Christmas Fest - November 13

Saturday, November 13, 5-9pm in the new Bread of Life Hall at St. John’s Catholic Parish

Hosted by St. John’s Catholic School PTO

Live Auction will include beautiful Christmas trees, wreaths, outdoor Christmas decor and more!

The event will also include silent auction items, craft fair, fun activities for kids, hot cocoa, chocolate popcorn, ornaments for sale, live entertainment, and more!

Drop-in and browse on your own time after Saturday Mass!

All proceeds benefit SJE Catholic School.

Thank you for your support!

40 Days for Life, SJE Prayer Vigil Day - October 23

40 Days for Life

St. John's Vigil Day is Saturday, October 23. Sign-up sheets in foyer after all weekend Masses.

Be a peaceful witness for life on the public sidewalk outside of the Ft. Collins Planned Parenthood. Prayer vigil is every day from 7am-7pm. Your prayers are especially needed from 8am-Noon on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays when abortions are taking place.

St. John’s parishioners are asked to fill all prayer vigil time slots on Saturday, October 23rd.

The 40 Days for Life Fall Campaign is September 22-October 31. Thank you for standing up for life!

Learn more >>

Council of Catholic Women Fall Festival - October 9-10

St. John's Council of Catholic Women will hold our annual Fall Festival in our new St. John's Fellowship Hall on Saturday, Oct. 9th from 10AM till 6 PM and Sunday Oct. 10th from 8 am until 2 PM.

We will feature several vendors with their crafts, plant sale, jewelry sale, Gently used market, a snack bar where you will be able to get a breakfast burrito Sunday morning or a bar-b-que sandwich after 11:00 each day, and of course, our BAKE SALE. We will also have many baskets that you can buy chances on. They will be in the Foyer of the church for your viewing. Tickets are $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 and may be purchased during the Festival or the weekend prior, on Oct. 1 and 2.

"No Greater Love" Marriage Retreat - September 25

We would to invite all married couples to join us for our 7th Annual Retreat for Marriage Couples on Saturday, September 25, from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish.  This year's topic is Marriage in the Bible (and what it means for you today!)  Registration is only $45 per couples which includes lunch and all materials.  Childcare is available but space is limited, so please register early.  You can register on line by going to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton website. 

Father Steve 40th Anniversary Celebration - September 17

Friday, September 17, Mass at 5:00pm, reception following in the new hall

Father Steve reached the 40th anniversary of his ordination on June 13, 2021.  No celebration was held at St. John’s at the time as the church addition was under construction.  Father Steve’s ministry has taken him all over the world and we are very blessed that God has called him to our parish.  Join us for Mass followed by a reception, which will include snacks and hors d'oeuvres.

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Council of Catholic Women Fall Card Party - September 8

St. John's Council of Catholic Women will hold their annual Fall Card Party on Wed., Sept. 8 from Noon until 4:00 P.M. in St. John's Hall. Your $5.00 donation gets you an afternoon of card games, dessert, and coffee and a chance for one of many door prizes. For more information and to reserve a table call Roberta at 970-667-3802. Cards and supplies are provided or you may bring your own game.

Parish Open House - August 28-29

Now Open - Thanks to You!

You have built a beautiful home for our Catholic faith in Loveland! Join us for an open house after all weekend Masses on August 28-29. Tour the new offices, the new hall, and the new rectory.

Open House Hours:

Saturday, August 28: following 4pm Mass until 6:00pm
Sunday, August 29: following 7am Mass until 3:00pm

Parishioner Derrick Johnson to be ordained a Deacon - June 26

On June 26th at 10am, our own Derrick Johnson will be ordained by Archbishop Aquila, along with 18 other men from the Archdiocese, as a Permanent Deacon at Light of the World Catholic Parish in Littleton. Due to strict attendance restrictions the Archdiocese is asking that parishioners live stream the Mass at:


Please join us after the Ordination on the evening of June 26th at 5pm in the Knights of Columbus Hall for a reception for Derrick and his family.


On Sunday June 27th, Derrick will serve and preach his first Masses as a Deacon. He will be preaching at the 7am, 9am and 11am Masses.


Thank you for your prayers and support for Derrick and his family in these years of formation.  Please know of his gratitude to you all, and please keep praying for Derrick and his family as he approaches ordination.

Treasures of the Church, Relics from the Vatican - July 8

Thursday, July 8, presentation at 7:00pm

We are very blessed to host over 150 sacred relics, including one of the largest remaining pieces of the True Cross, a piece of a veil believed to have belonged to Our Lady, a part of Christ's crown of thorns, and relics such as clothing or bone fragments from many Saints.

This is an interactive exposition and you will be able to venerate rosaries, prayer cards, or other items by touching them to the relics.

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Treasures of the Church is a ministry of evangelization of the Catholic Church.  Run by Fr. Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross, its purpose is to give people an experience of the living God through an encounter with the relics of his saints in the form of an exposition.  

Each exposition begins with a multi-media presentation on the Church's use of relics that is scriptural, catechetical, and devotional, leading to a renewal of the Catholic faith for many people.  After the teaching those in attendance have an opportunity to venerate the relics of some of their favorite saints.

An exposition involves some 150 relics, including those of St. Maria Goretti, St. Therese of Lisieux (the "Little Flower"), St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Faustina Kowalska.  The supreme highlight is one of the largest relics of the Church's claim to the True Cross in the world and a piece of the Veil that, according to sanctioned tradition, is believed to have belonged to Our Lady.


The veneration of relics is a communion with the heroes of our Christian faith, asking for their powerful intercession.   Many people have reported outstanding blessings and conversions through this ministry, and many have reported healings.  Attendees are encouraged to bring their articles of devotion (such as rosaries, holy cards, etc.) and pictures of ill friends/family members which may be touched to the reliquaries as a means of intercessory prayer.